Lea Rambaud-Lavigne, Helsinki, 25-29 June 2018
29th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR)
3rd year PhD student with Pradeep Das, RDP, ENS-Lyon
– article in English –
I spent the travel grant awarded by the ITMO BCDE to attend the International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR) held in Helsinki in June 2018. I decided to attend this yearly international conference because it gathered a wide range of topics, some of which I did not know much about. Moreover, I was looking for a post-doc position at that time and I wanted to meet potential collaborators.
I think this conference is very well adapted to PhD students finishing their thesis in the field of plant research, and it was a great opportunity for me to present my work in front of a broad audience since I had the opportunity to give two different talks. From the different sessions I attended, I particularly appreciated the talk of Guido Grossmann, who presented his microfluidic imaging platforms designed to study the development of root hair in Arabidopsis, revealing the polarization of growth machinery components.
I am very grateful for this travel grant and I am happy to promote the SFBD activities to PhD students!