Our Scientific Committee: New Frontiers in Developmental Biology
Article en anglais
3rd Franco-Japanese Developmental Biology Conference
7-10 November 2022 | Strasbourg, France
As a premiere, a committee of 18 young scientists, members of the SFBD and the JSDB, is involved in crafting the scientific programme. And to provide the community with many opportunities to show case their work, 36 selected talks and several flash talks are scheduled.
Yuji Atsuta (JSDB) | Momoko Ikeuchi (JSDB) | Anne Rosfelter (SFBD) |
Victoire Cachoux (SFBD) | Naoki Irie (JSDB) | Aiko Sada (JSDB) |
Glenda Comai (SFBD) | Yuzuru Kato (JSDB) | Katarzyna Siudeja (SFBD) |
Yoan Coudert (SFBD) | Takefumi Kondo (JSDB) | Kaoru Sugimura (JSDB) |
Edgar Herrera Delgado (SFBD) | Masayuki Oginuma (JSDB) | Ana Uzquiano (SFBD) |
Leo Guignard (SFBD) | Anne Ramat (SFBD) | Aurélien Villedieu (SFBD) |