SFBD MeetingJune 3-6, 2025, Cassis (France)To find out more - WELCOME TO THE SFBDAround 700 members
Located in
• 20 french cities
• 8 countries
Working on 13
model organisms -
SFBD, French Society of Devlopmental Biology
Who are we?
The French Society of Developmental Biology (SFBD) is a learned society that has gathered, for more than 50 years, researchers working on Developmental Biology on animal and plant species
Becoming a member
The SFBD has around 700 members, working in 20 cities in France and 8 countries, on 13 different model organisms.
Why become a member ?
● Apply to our yearly devbio PhD Thesis Prize
● Get support to attend meetings thanks to our traveling grants
● Benefit from reduced fees for our yearly meeting and meetings organized by associated societies
● Post your news and job adverts on our website
● Ask for support to organize devbio events