Actine dans un ovocyte de souris

Thesis Prize

Each year, the SFBD awards a thesis prize for the work of a student in developmental biology, thanks to the generosity of ZEISS.

Wing imaginal disc with z depth encoded in colour with invaginating clones (activation of MyoII) (from Romain Levayer)

Travel grants

Every year, the Société Française de Biologie du Développement awards around 10 travel grants to doctoral students and young post-doctoral fellows.

embryon de souris

Support to event organisation

Every year, the SFBD subsidises scientific events (conferences, symposia or themed schools) related to developmental biology organised in France.


Career transition grants

The SFBD funds short-term exchanges for early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-doctoral fellows) that will support them in a major career transition.


Online seminars

A webinar series so that SFBD members can get to know each other better and share their research.



We started to organise multi-faceted outreach events to make Developmental Biology and science in general more accesible to the lay audicence.