Resources for an Informed Audience

This section is intended for a public already well informed on the themes of developmental biology. It is intended for researchers or teachers wishing to go further on these questions.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to suggest additional material for this section.

Edith Heard

Epigenetics and cellular memory 

Thomas Lecuit

Dynamics of living organisms

Alain Prochiantz

Morphogenetic processes

Denis Duboule

Evolution of genomes and Development

Jean-François Joanny

Soft matter and biophysics

Claude Desplan

Invited speaker

Integrative and quantitative biology


Program of the Institut Pasteur intended to facilitate research and education at the interface between biology and quantitative sciences.

Multiscale integration in biological systems
Series of seminars organized by the Institut Curie and PSL (University of Paris) aimed at understanding the behavior of a complex biological system from the properties of the elements that constitute it.

Image analysis


MiFoBio is a multidisciplinary school focusing on biological and technological advances for life imaging and quatification. Microscopy and combined imaging techniques, image analysis and results modeling constitute a continuum of knowledge and know-how that are the core of this school.


A unique network for the analysis of biological images in Europe. Various courses, vacancies and resources are published on their site.

Bioinformatics and Statistics

Bioinformatics Club Institut Jacques Monod

Club which brings together scientists from the Jacques Monod Institute and neighboring research institutes, who wish to develop their skills in bioinformatics, particularly with regard to the analysis of high throughput sequencing data.


UK National Metabolic Biochemistry Network

British network of laboratories working on innate metabolic diseases. They offer teaching resources.

The Node

A site developed by and for developmental biologists. Their site has a rich collection of tools for researchers in this field as well as audio visual resources and advice for those wishing to engage in science advocacy and the popularization of science.

BSDB: Why should we engage in Developmental Biology?

Resources from the British Society for Developmental Biology to better communicate in developmental biology.

History of Developmental Biology

The British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB) has posted its archives online since 1979. In the 1960s, Xenopus was the most popular model organism, but no mention of Drosophila, perhaps not too popular across the Channel at that time … In addition, a wide variety of model organisms were used. … It seems that the explosion of genetic tools available in a small number of animals in the 80s and 90s quickly led to their overrepresentation within the community.