
How and why should we introduce developmental biology to the general public? We suggest here resources for outreach activities. Most of them are in French.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to suggest additional material for our outreach section.

The French Society of Developmental Biology (Société Française de Biologie du Développement) supports scientific outreach offering of workshops aimed at school children to raise their awareness of science and the developmental biology. More information and documents for each of these workshops are available by following the links below. Their use and distribution are subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution – Non-commercial - No Derivative Works License (CC BY-NC-ND).

→ 'Animal embryonic development' workshop (E. Heude)

Workshop duration: 1 h
Age: 5-7 years old
Outreach mediator: teacher, biologist, mediator, student, parent...
Available in French. English version available soon.

This workshop introduces children to embryonic development and animal diversity through group and individual activities and the use of a variety of play materials. The starting point is a timeline showing human embryonic development. Kids then learn about the embryonic development of other animals, and compare how certain body parts of different species (human, mouse, chicken, fish) are formed up to birth.

→ 'Plant development and physiology

Workshop duration: 1 h
Level: 5-8 years old
Outreach mediator: teacher, biologist, mediator, student, parent...
Available in French and German. English version available soon.

This workshop introduces kids to the development of plants and their nutritional needs through group and individual activities, using a variety of fun materials. The starting point is the observation of different plants at diverse stages of development and their timeline. After defining the parts of the plant with precise and scientific vocabulary, the children are then led to understand the nutritional requirements necessary for plant growth. Using scientific methodology, they imagine experiments to test their hypotheses, which they can then implement in class and/or at home.

→ 'En Quête de Bio' (EQDB, A Biology Quest) workshop – initiation to biology, research, and the model species used in research (B. Lefevre – A. Bardin)

Workshop duration: 1 h
Level: 6-11 years old
Outreach mediator: contact us via the website below to organize a workshop in your school (teachers, parents) or if you want to animate an outreach (master’s students, PhD students, researchers).
Available in French and English.

The aim of this workshop is to familiarize children with research, the scientific method and the development of different animals and plants used in laboratories, from eggs to adults. The first part of the workshop introduces fundamental concepts (research, biology, developmental biology, "model" species). This is followed by a series of fun, interactive activities presenting a pair of model species via species sheets (Drosophila, the small nematode worm C. elegans, zebrafish, the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, and more). Finally, an 8-family game presenting the development of commonly used model species and humans is given to each classroom.

Project Managers of SFBD outreach activities (for more information)

Eglantine Heude (Chercheuse CNRS, IGFL- ENS, Lyon) : eglantine.heude@ens-lyon.fr
Maëva Luxey (Enseignante-chercheuse, UCBL, Lyon) : maeva.luxey@univ-lyon1.fr
Bénédicte Lefevre (Jeune chercheuse, Institut Curie, Paris) : benedicte.lefevre@curie.fr

Dirty Biology (in French)
Outreach video about axolotl development (with the help of Eglantine Heude)
Dr. Nozman (in French)
Science Étonnante (in French)
The Company of Biologists
Books for children, teachers and families
Actine Art (from 3 y.o., in French)

Books written by members of the “Artistes et Scientifiques Actine” Association willing to help children (and adults) get passionate about science.

L'incroyable aventure de la génétique
L'incroyable aventure de la génétique (from 5 y.o., in French)

A colourful and lively story in collaboration with the Pasteur Institute to discover the basics of genetics.

Procréation, vie avant la naissance
(middle-high school, in French)

Books written by members of the “Artistes et Scientifiques Actine” Association willing to help children (and adults) get passionate about science.

Books for grown-ups
First in Fly:
Drosophila Research and Biological Discovery
by Stephanie Elizabeth Mohr
Lords of the Fly:
Drosophila Genetics and the Experimental Life
by Robert E. Kohler
Wonderful life:
The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History
by Stephen Jay Gould
Étonnant vivant:
Découvertes et promesses du XXIe siècle
CNRS édition (in French)
Les Anatomies de la pensée:
À quoi pensent les calamars ?
by Alain Prochiantz (in French)
L'histoire secrète des fleurs
Par Elliott Parcy et François Parcy (in French)
Les origines de la vie
Par Marie-Christine Maurel (in French)
→ Colloque Amphybio S02E04 : Comment expliquer l’apparition des plantes à fleur au cours de l’évolution ?
→ Mardi 16 janvier 2018 à la BU UGA : comment naissent les fleurs ?
→ 19 janvier 2018 : enregistrement de l’émission la conversation scientifique avec Etienne Klein sur France Culture, diffusée le 27 janvier 2018 à 16h00
→ 20 janvier 2018 à 16h00, à la bibliothèque Kateb Yacine (Grenoble) sur la domestication des plantes
→ 4 mai 2017 (rediffusé le 16 octobre 2017) : émission à Radio France international (la question scientifique)
→ Kezako est la série documentaire qui répond aux questions de science que tout le monde se pose. Cet épisode pose la question "Comment fonctionne le cerveau ?”
→ Fonctionnement du cerveau : le traitement de l'information par les mémoires
→ La transformation du cerveau au fil de la vie
→ Naissance du cerveau
→ La neuro-génèse : le développement du cerveau de A à Z