How and why should we introduce developmental biology to the general public? We suggest here resources for outreach activities. Most of them are in French.
Don’t hesitate to contact us to suggest additional material for our outreach section.
→ Skype A Scientist
→ Echosciences
→ Les Savanturiers
→ Gedankenexperimente
Teaching resources for primary school biology classes focusing on the life cycle and evolution.
→ British Society for Developmental Biology
A collection of outreach resources to communicate biomedical research.
→ The Node
→ Droso4schools? Manchester Fly Facility
Resources describing the value of the model organism Drosophila melanogaster
Pour que nature vive (in French)
A podcast in 12 episodes produced by the National Museum of Natural History and Creation Collective in partnership with the French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition.
Books for children, teachers and families
Actine Art (from 3 y.o., in French)
Books written by members of the “Artistes et Scientifiques Actine” Association willing to help children (and adults) get passionate about science.
L'incroyable aventure de la génétique (from 5 y.o., in French)
A colourful and lively story in collaboration with the Pasteur Institute to discover the basics of genetics.
Procréation, vie avant la naissance
(middle-high school, in French)
Books written by members of the “Artistes et Scientifiques Actine” Association willing to help children (and adults) get passionate about science.