Thesis Prize

Every year, the SFBD awards a prize to an outstanding PhD Thesis work (in French or in English) in the field of Developmental Biology.

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsor Zeiss, the laureate receives a prize of 1000€. In addition, s-he is invited to present his/her work at the annual SFBD Meeting. Registration, traveling and housing expenses are covered by the SFBD.

Depending on the quality of the applications, one or two honourable prizes (500 € each) can be awarded by the Jury in addition to the PhD Thesis Prize.




DEADLINE : 31/12/2024




Travel expenses



How to apply ?

Any SFBD member who has defended his/her PhD Thesis between the 1st January 2023 and the 31st December 2024 can apply. The deadline to apply is 31st December 2024. The results will be disclosed in Summer 2025. The application, in French or in English, must include the following information in a single PDF file:

  1. Your CV (max 2 pages)
  2. A detailed application letter including: a thesis summary putting into perspective the most outstanding results, highlighting the techniques and collaborations implemented, the originality of the study, the contribution to the advancement of the specific research field and more generally to the field of Developmental Biology (4 pages maximum, including illustrations)
  3. A letter of support from the thesis supervisor or from a member of the thesis committee, specifying the intellectual and experimental contributions of the candidate.
  4. The complete thesis file and the articles posted on bioRxiv, submitted or published since the defense and related to the thesis subject.

Selection procedure

A pre-selection of 2 to 4 theses is carried out by the SFBD Board based on the contents of the application.

The pre-selection is based on the general scope of published and unpublished results for the Developmental Biology field, the quality of the application letter and the intellectual contribution of the candidate to the results obtained.

A sub-committee of three members of the Board, different each year, then designates the winner and honorable mentions after a thorough reading of their entire thesis. At this step, selection criteria are: the scope and quality of the results, the writing quality of the entire thesis manuscript and the relevance of the discussion.

At least one paper related to the thesis work must be published or submitted to bioRxiv. On the other hand, there is no need for the paper to be published in a so-called ‘major’ journal.

Application form

Thesis Prize 2024

First prize 2024, Dr. Sanjay Karki

Thesis title: Evolutionarily conserved mechanical function of serotonin signaling during morphogenesis”

IBDM, Marseille, Dir. Thomas Lecuit

Honorable prize 2024, Dr. Jérôme Avellaneda

Thesis title: “Investigating mechanisms of mitochondrial dynamics during flight muscle development”

IBDM, Marseille, Dir. Frank Schnorrer

Honorable prize 2024, Dr. Julie Firmin

Thesis title: “Mechanics of human embryo compaction

Institut Curie, Paris, Dir. Jean-Léon Maitre

Thesis Prize 2023

First prize 2023, Dr. Julien Leclerc

Thesis title: “Evoltion of the eye in Astyanax mexicanus: contribution of maternal and early developmental regulations”

Institute of Neurscience, Paris-Saclay, Dir. Sylvie Retaux

Alice Malivert postdoctoral research fellow, researcher in plant developmental plasticity. Schmidt futures for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in science. In the plant growth room.
Alice is creating an AI tool to detect drought stress from plant leaf images.
Honorable prize 2023, Dr. Alice Malivert

Thesis title: “Plant developmental plasticity and mechanical forces: the role of FERONIA”

Laboratoire Reproduction et Développement des plantes, ENS-Lyon, Dir. Olivier Hamant

Honorable prize 2023, Dr. Alexis Villars

Thesis title: “Orchestration of epithelial cell elimination by effector caspases

Institut Pasteur, Paris, Dir. Romain Levayer

Thesis Prize 2022

photo récente
First prize 2022, Dr. Hélène Vignes

Thesis title: “Molecular and cellular processes involved in the morphogenesis of the zebrafish atrio-ventricular canal”

IGBMC, Strasbourg, Dir. Julien Vermot

Honorable prize 2022, Dr. Arthur Boutillon

Thesis title: “Tissue coordination and collective cell migration in axial mesoderm during Zebrafish gastrulation”

Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences, École Polytechnique, Paris, Dir. Nicolas David

Honorable prize 2022, Dr. Charalampos Babis Galouzis

Thesis title: “Trans-homolog interaction of yellow controls its sex-biased expression pattern in the wing of Drosophila biarmipes

IBDM, Marseille, Dir. Benjamin Prud’homme

Thesis Prize 2021

Alexandre Chuyen
First prize 2021, Dr. Alexandre Chuyen 

Thesis title: “Molecular and cellular basis of pattern establishment in a vertebrate epithelium”

IBDM, Marseille, Dir. Andrea Pasini

Honorable prize 2021, Dr. Aurélien Villedieu

Thesis title: “Epithelium folding and migration

Institut Curie, Paris, Dir. Yohanns Bellaïche

Thesis Prize 2020

First prize 2020, Dr. Mélanie Gracia

Thesis title: “Epithelio-Mesenchymal Transition and Apoptosis: Cellular Dynamics and the Role of Snail in Drosophila melanogaster”

CBI, Toulouse, Dir. Magali Suzanne

Honorable prize 2020, Dr. Solène Clavreul 

Thesis title: “Development of the astroglial network in the murine cerebral cortex”

Institut de la vision, Paris, Dir. Jean Livet

Honorable prize 2020, Dr. Alicia Lardennois

Thesis title: “Contribution of actin cytoskeleton to C. elegans embryonic elongation”

IBPS, Paris, Dir. Michel Labouesse

Thesis Prize 2019

Meryem Baghdadi, lauréate du prix de thèse 2019
First prize 2019, Dr. Meryem Baghdadi

Thesis title: “Regulation of adult muscle stem cell quiescence by Notch signalling”

Institut Pasteur, Paris, Dir. Shahragim Tajbakhsh and Philippos Mourikis

accessit au prix de thèse SFBD 2018
Honorable prize 2019, Dr. Chooyoung Baek

Thesis title: “Role of the Notch Signaling Pathway during Neural Delamination in the Vertebrate Embryo”

Institut de Biologie de l’École Normale Supérieure, Paris, Dir. Xavier Morin

Thesis prize 2018

Mathilde Dumond, vainqueur du prix de thèse SFBD 2018
First prize 2018, Dr. Mathilde Dumond

Thesis title: “From cellular variability to shape reproducibility: mechanics and morphogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana sepal”

RDP, ENS Lyon, Dir. Arezki Boudaoud and Olivier Hamant 

Samuel Collombet, accessit au prix de thèse SFBD 2018
Honorable prize 2018, Dr. Samuel Collombet

Thesis title: “Deciphering the regulatory network controlling blood cell specification and reprogramming”

ENS, Paris, Dir. Denis Thieffry

Gantas Perez-Mocus, accessit au prix de thèse SFBD 2018
Honorable prize 2018, Dr. Gantas Perez-Mocus

Thesis title : ” Regulation of apical basal polarity and mesoderm invagination by the E3 ubiquitin ligase Neuralized in Drosophila ”

I. Pasteur, Paris, Dir. François Schweisguth

Previous awardees

Thesis prize 2017, Dr. Antoine Ducuing

Thesis title : ” Signalling and morphogenesis during Drosophila dorsal closure “

ENS Lyon, Dir. S. Vincent

Thesis prize 2016, Dr. Gilles Storelli

Thesis title : Characterization of the mutualistic interaction tying Drosophila melanogaster with its symbiont Lactobacillus plantarum

IGFL, ENS Lyon, Dir. François Leulier