Career transition grants
The SFBD hereby announces a call for funding short-term exchanges for early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-doctoral fellows) that will support them in a major career transition.
The mission should help thematic mobility or acquisition of know-how in the field of developmental biology. The call aims to boost the transition of early-stage researchers towards a new research topic, a new model organism or a new technique that is not available in their research institute. It can also support non-biologists in transitioning to developmental biology.
There is no deadline for this call, we will examine applications as they come. Applicants will receive an answer no later than 6 weeks later.
How to apply?
Only SFBD members can apply to this grant.
The application file (in English or in French) must contain in one single pdf file:
- A CV detailing previous research experience (1 page max)
- The project description and its relevance to the call (1 page max, including references)
- An anticipated budget indicating the contribution of the SFBD grant and potential additional sources of funding
We also ask you to provide a proof of commitment from the host institution stating that they agree to host you and that the funds potentially attributed by the SFBD will be used according to the budget.
Selection procedure
This call is meant to fund :
- Workshops/courses or technical visits in a host lab that has been identified by the candidate as being of high importance for their future projects.
- The mission expenses (travel and accommodation only, no consumable or equipment) up to a maximum of 1500€ for up to 2 months.
However, this call will not fund :
- visits aimed to seek a new job (e.g. interview for post-doc)
- any mission already planned in the duration of the current contract (e.g. visit a lab in the frame of an established collaboration)
- conference attendance, which is the domain of the SFBD travel grants
- visits to partners in industry
The proposal will be evaluated by the SFBD board. The result of the evaluation will be communicated to the applicant no later than 6 weeks after submission.
Application form
2023 grant

Ioannis Theodorou
Title of themission: « Advance microscopic techniques for investigating mechanical properties at the cell wall and cell-cell adhension of plant tissues »
Visit in the lab of Stéphane VERGER in Umeå’s Plant Science Center