Qbio symposium MeMoDEvo: Mechanics Morphogenesis Development and Evolution
The Qbio initiative in Institut Pasteur (Paris) is organising a fully hybrid symposium that willl take place in Institut Pasteur on Monday and Tuesday December 12th and 13th with the support of the SFBD, the DIM Elicit and the Company of Biologists.
MeMoDEvo: Mechanics Morphogenesis Development and Evolution
How mechanics can constrain the evolution of shape or be a source of morphogenetic innovation ? The Qbio initiative at Institut Pasteur is organising a two-day symposium in the campus on December 12th and 13th 2022 which will cover the interplay between mechanics, evolution, morphogenesis and development. This interdisciplinary symposium will combine a large range of approaches (morphometric analysis, modeling, soft-matter physics, comparative morphogenesis, epistemology) and diverse organisms (plants, yeast, algae, cnidarians, insects and vertebrates) with diverse and excellent speakers. This symposium is meant to be an open platform for discussion between physicists, mathematicians and biologists on relevant biological questions, and to foster interactions between topics/systems which normally have few occasions to interact.
The meeting will be in a fully hybrid format, with an in-person audience and speakers, as well as a virtual audience and virtual talks.
Two morning sessions will be dedicated to open discussions in sub-groups on site while afternoon seminar sessions will be fully hybrid.
The full program can be found on our website https://neuroanatomy.github.io/MeMoDEvo .
Registration is free but mandatory (before November 14th): https://forms.gle/TTLdHmJf1Ajr8bvr9
If you have any query, please contact: memodevo@pasteur.fr
The list of confirmed speakers can be found below.
Invited speakers :
Bruno Vellutini (Tomancak group, MPI, Dresden)
Marie Monniaux (ENS, Lyon)
Will Ratcliff (Georgia tech, Atlanta)
Peter Yunker (Georgia tech, Atlanta)
Marie Manceau (Collège de France, Paris)
Jose Bico (ESPCI, Paris)
Steffen Lemke (University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg)
Jean-Léon Maître (Institut Curie, Paris)
Arkhat Abzhanov (Imperial College, London)
Annemiek Cornelissen (LMSC, Paris)
Hélène de Maleprade (Sorbonne University, Paris)
Etienne Couturier (LMSC Paris)
Ana Soto (Tufts University, Boston)
Maël Montevil (Centre Cavaillès, Paris)
Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (Harvard University, Boston)
Stuart Newman (New York Medical College, New York)