Tenure-track position on “Quantitative Approaches for the Study of Regeneration”
A tenure‐track position funded by the Inserm and the University Côte d’Azur (UCA) is opened at the Institut de Biologie Valrose (iBV), Nice, France. The candidate is expected to develop independent research lines on regeneration, combining quantitative approaches and functional studies in vertebrate model system(s). Candidates working at the interface between different disciplines, and/or on zebrafish are particularly encouraged to apply. The candidate’s position will be funded for an initial period of 5 years and will involve a minimal teaching load (20 hours/year; English or French). It will be converted into a permanent Research Director (DR) position after successful evaluation. A 200 k€ package will also be provided as seed funding.
The iBV is an internationally recognized institute, presently hosting 26 research groups, with about 30 different nationalities and English as a working language (http://ibv.unice.fr). Research at the iBV is dedicated to deciphering the basic principles of biology involved in health and disease. To this aim, iBV researchers use a wide range of biological model systems (yeast, worm, sea urchin, fly, zebrafish, mouse and organoids) as well as human tissues and patient samples. In the context of this call, the iBV is looking for a young researcher with a strong track record to develop a project that complements existing research topics at the institute (signaling, cell and developmental biology, neurobiology, tissue/organ morphogenesis and function, as well as associated disorders and therapies). As regeneration relies on the activation of fundamental mechanisms underlying development in response to injuries/pathologies, we expect a strong synergy between the candidate and iBV groups interested in development and physio-‐pathology.
The candidate will have full access to the state-of-the-art technology platforms available at the iBV, including dedicated microscopy infrastructure, cytometry, histology, bioinformatics and animal facilities of various model organisms.
Interested candidates should contact Stéphane Noselli (Stephane.NOSELLI@univ-‐ cotedazur.fr) as soon as possible and are expected to submit their application before the 14th of February on the Inserm portal (‘chaires de professeur junior’ CPJ call; https://eva3- accueil.inserm.fr/sites/eva/appels-a-projets/cpj/Pages/projets.aspx).
Candidates interested in this position can also apply to the ongoing call for Signalife chairs of excellence (https://signalife.univ-‐cotedazur.fr/13751.php), as packages from the two offers could be combined.