Finalist Thesis Prize SFBD 2020: Dr. Solène Clavreul
For her thesis entitled: “Development of the astroglial network in the murine cerebral cortex”
en savoir plusFor her thesis entitled: “Development of the astroglial network in the murine cerebral cortex”
en savoir plusPour sa thèse intitulée: “Contribution of actin cytoskeleton to C. elegans embryonic elongation”
en savoir plusFor her doctorate entitled: « Regulation of adult muscle stem cell quiescence by Notch signaling »
en savoir plusFor her doctorate entitled : « Role of Notch signaling pathway during neural delamination in the vertebrate embryo. »
en savoir plusFor her doctorate entitled: « From cellular variability to shape reproducibility: mechanics and morphogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana sepal »
en savoir plusFor his doctorate entitled : « Regulation of apical basal polarity and mesoderm invagination by the E3 ubiquitin ligase Neuralized in Drosophila ».
en savoir plusFor his doctorate entitled : « Deciphering the regulatory network controlling blood cell specification and reprogramming »
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