Kévin Bellande, Shaping Life 2, Online Conference, 7-9 April 2021
Shaping Life 2
→ Boarding Pass
Postdoc at DIversity-Adaptation-plant DEvelopment Laboratory (DIADE), IRD, Montpellier
If I had to choose an inspiring seminar, from my point of view, I would select the one from Yuchen Long, ENS Lyon, Lyon, France “The mechano-hydraulic control of growth, Lessons from plants” which was very interesting. Actually, I was expected to discuss with him about our common interests in plant development and especially on Cell wall-driven morphogenetic processes. Yuchen Long kindly came to my poster avatar during the poster session 1 and we fruitfully exchange about my current post-doc thematic and our common interrogation coming from the results I presented on lateral root primordium development, a thematic he was already familiar with. The shaping life 2 conference was mainly “animal-oriented”, but plant development keynote speakers were cleverly choosed and I followed their presentations with great interests.
I also learned a lot about others thematics and new technical advances which will be very helpfull for building and oriented my future projects as a young researcher.
→ Kévin presented a poster entitled: “Early morphogenetic phase regulator PUCHI repress organizing center establishment at early stages of LR development”